I'm sharing it all - all my tips and tricks on how to turn your photography brand into a success - so that your emails are constantly pinging, your shoot schedule is nicely filled and your reputation is stellar!
I'll be walking you through how I built my business from a one-woman show, to a nine-member team, complete with an office manager, a couple of editors and six associate photographers, and how we take on an average of 14 photo shoots per week (all while having only a few thousand followers!)
We'll be discussing the ins and outs of creating a strong corporate identity, and how that feeds into having a strong brand. I'll share all of my advertising tricks - and how I plan out a year's worth of marketing, so that I don't have to stress and worry about where or how I'm running my next campaign.
I'll of course be tying this into my social media strategies, and showing you how I take all the stress out of Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
And I'll walk you through all the apps and programs that I use to maximise my productivity, efficiency and organisation.
We'll cover everything from goal setting to tax/accounting tricks, and from how to maximise on the slow season and creating a more holistic work-life alignment.
We're really going to be digging deep here, and will take the time to dive into your own business, first of all before the workshop with some homework, and during the course of the day, as I'll be doing critiques on your own websites and brands. Don't attend this workshop if you're not prepared to dig deep and really change.
"Success is not a one trick pony and you can't reach it with
a get rich quick scheme. Success is a slow journey that starts with putting one foot in front of the other and doing the dang work.
Success is following through on your promises. It's being a kind person.
It's going above and beyond what people expect of you.
It's failing soooo many times before getting it right.
And yes, its being strategic, crafty, and smart and those are not bad things. When your heart is aligned right, and you are doing hard work with intentionality, you will be successful.
But that success NEVER happens overnight."
- words of wisdom by another amazing photographer, Lindsey Roman.
Workshop Breakdown
This is going to be a full day course - there is a LOT of content to get through! At this stage we're looking at a 10am-8pm day.
It will include:
- some basic quick homework in the weeks leading up to the workshop, so that you arrive ready to work on a few key concepts for your own business
- tea, coffee and snacks throughout the day; a delicious lunch; and evening treats for our Q&A chat session
Proposed Itinerary (may change closer to the time):
9.30-10am – arrival, tea & coffee, settle in
10am – a quick de-stressing exercise, preparing us for the day
10.30am – introduction
1-2 lunch, Q&As, chats
4-4.30pm tea break
5.30-6pm WRAPPING UP
6-6.30pm – breathing exercise
6.30-8pm wine, cheese, Q&As
- as this is the first workshop of this kind that I am hosting I am offering a 15% discount on the price, and ask in return that each attendee fill out a short questionnaire after the workshop
Workshop Dates
The first date I am releasing for this workshop is Wednesday 19 September. It will take place in Johannesburg, location to be released to attendees.
Workshop Confirmation
Please note that we will be asking you a few questions before accepting your booking as so to ascertain whether or not this is the correct workshop for you.
In order to reserve your spot it is necessary to pay a 50% non-refundable booking fee by 10 August 2018.
The other 50% is due no later than 22 August 2018.
Homework shall be rolled out from 29 August for three weeks until the workshop. It will be a few quick exercises that shouldn't take you more than 20-30 minutes per week.
A Little Bit More About Me
I've been running this photography business for the past six years, and have come close to doubling my turnover every year for those six years.
I studied a BA Corporate Communication and Psychology - and the marketing, advertising, human behaviour and people skills learned during this time still have a positive impact on my business today.
I spent a few years working as an art director and wardrobe stylist for the film industry before becoming a photographer, both of which I consider huge assets when it comes to my photography business.
I will be sharing my journey, my mistakes and my wins throughout this workshop.
What Isn't Included
Please note that this isn't a technical skills photographic workshop - I won't be sharing any technical knowledge, camera settings or general information about how to take better photos. It's not even necessary to bring your own camera along!
Please email my lovely office manager Grace on hello@robyndavie.com in order to enquire.

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