One of my new fun projects which I'm hoping to keep up on a regular basis is more interesting and engaging blog content! So to kick off this idea, here's an interview with lovely Cheska Stark of Kimmy & Bear.
Cheska is an all-round fantastic human, mom to a gorgeous little girl and one of our fave regular clients here at Robyn Davie Photography!
1. How do you prep yourself for a family photo shoot? (Any skincare, eating, exercising etc tips)
Apart from my little girl’s birthday parties, the professional shoots I have done are always at home, relaxing in our space and very casual. I’ve even been snapped in the bath or in my pajamas. For that reason I don’t actually go overboard with prep, except I always get a blow dry.

2. What is your best tip for keeping your little munchkins happy and amused during a family photo session?
I guess it is all about timing. I book the shoots for a “good” time of day when she isn’t tired or hungry. I always make sure that she has had something to eat and I think it’s important for the shoots not to be too long. I love the documentary style so that helps too, I don’t try and do lots of posed pictures. I'd rather capture the real moments so if that means we’re building a puzzle or reading a story then that’s what ends up being snapped. I like to set up some fun activities that we do together that don’t get captured unless we have a photographer, for example baking together or going for a walk.
3. What is your favourite Jozi spot to hang out with your tiny humans at?
We love our Kimmy’s (my Mum) garden and spend loads of time with our cousins in one garden or another, and the local parks in our area: Hugh Wyden Park and Chelsea Park. We also love visiting The Joburg Zoo and the Parkview Library. We’re also members of the Country Club so enjoy afternoons on the lawn or in the pool.
4. What is your best trick for getting a smile out of your little one?
Don’t try! Haha

5. What favourite moment/activity would you really love to have captured with your family?
I loved having our bath time captured because it is so much part of our routine but also such a fun, intimate part of our day. I haven’t skipped one of Francie’s baths and yet I suddenly realised there were so few pictures of this time.
I think our next shoot will be time in our current home. We are moving at the end of the year and I would like to capture our lives in our current house for memory sake, playing on the carpet, dinner outside and things like that.

Should you have ideas for content (family-related, photographic-related or Johannesburg-related posts/ideas), or like to be interviewed/featured on our blog please send us an email to - we'd love to hear from you!xx
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