Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! Throw in a beautiful cloudy afternoon on the beach, and a gorgeous family (and fellow photographers - an amazing husband and wife team!), two cuter-than-cute kids and goodness gracious but I am HAPPY with these pics! Thank you lovely Nels for trusting me with this session and for the wine and company and endless laughs. You guys are total gems.

#robyndaviephotographicteam #robyndaviejohannesburgwedding #robyndavielifestylephotography #beachphotoshoot #beachphotography #Seaside #SeaandSand #Ocean #lifestyledocumentaryfamilyphotography #outsidefamilyshootjohannesburg #southafricafamily #naturalrealrawfamilyphotos #familyphotoshoot #familyphotoshoots #modernfamilyphotoshoot #lifestylefamilyphotographyjohannesburg #reallifefamilyphotography #bestsnacksanddrinkstotakeonafamilyphoto #youngadultsfamilyphotoshootsouthafrica #robyndaviephotography