In 2020 the Robyn Davie Photography brand was honoured to partner up with the iStore.
The iStore approached us for their #istoremeets series - and I presented a series of workshops, in store and virtually from March to May 2020.
It's an amazing opportunity to be able to share my eight years of experience and knowledge with others - and to connect with so many avid photographers and iPhone users.

The workshops are continuing on an ongoing basis throughout 2020, and can be joined virtually. Be sure to check out the iStore website to register for these free events.

#robyndaviephotographer, #sheleadsafrica, #femalefoundedbusiness, #youngfemaleCEO, #emergingfemaleentrepreneur, #forbestopfemaleentrepreneurs, #timesmagazinetopfemaleentrepreneurs#johannesburgheadshotphotography#johannesburglifestylephotographer