"Know that I love you, that I have always loved you, in ways that go without saying, in seasons that tease you to give up, at your worst, at my worst, I love you, I have never needed a reason. Simply your existence is reason enough." - Christopher Poindedexter
Over the past five years of creating, developing and building my brand one of the biggest obstacles I have faced is that there are just not enough hours in the day.
And I have also discovered that despite my best efforts it's just not possible to clone myself! Hehe :)
It is because of this that I have developed my associate photographer program - through which I can empower young fellow photographers by training them in my style and work ethic, and then send out these brilliant creatives to shoot gorgeous images for my clients, under my brand.
(Because I can only be in so many places at a time!)
Robyn Davie Photography
Lifestyle Family Photo Shoots | Johannesburg, South Africa
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